SLA to rethink 2,5 billion m2 Skjern Å river

We are thrilled to share that we have won the assignment to rethink the SKJERN Å river as part of Akademisk Arkitektforening’s and Dreyers Fonds’ open call Vandets Veje (“Ways of Water”) which aims to explore new future ways to live with, of, and together with our waterways.

The 90 km long SKJERN Å is Denmark’s most water-rich river with a catchment area of more than 2,5 billion m2.
In our approach, we aim for a new hydrological awareness that will create new images and narratives for SKJERN Å where nature development is used as a catalyst for an alternative life in the countryside: Offering a localized way of dealing with the interconnected crises caused by the climate crisis, biodiversity crisis, deprivation, rural depopulation, and more – creating a new alliance between nature and society.
We look forward to working on this amazing assignment together with our team, ReVærk, and consultant Arendse Marie Gulløv.

Contact us to know more
Kristine C.V. Holten-Andersen
Project Architect, Ph.D, cand.arch, Landscape Architect MDL

SLA shortlisted to reimagine the Runway at YZD
We are super excited to share that we have been shortlisted for The Runway at YZD Design Competition in Downsview, Toronto – along with a strong field consisting of CCxA, Field Operations, MVVA, and Sasaki selected amongst 47 international applicants.

Grønningen-Bispeparken wins Årets Arne 2025
We are incredibly proud and delighted to share that our Grønningen-Bispeparken has won Årets Arne 2025 – the most prestigious architecture award given by the Danish Architecture Association (Arkitektforeningen) in Copenhagen.