Within less than two weeks, our Ambassaden project has won Oslo’s two most prestigious architecture awards: The OMA Awards in the category ‘Transformation Project of the Year’ and The City of Oslo’s Architecture Prize (Oslo bys arkitekturpris).
Both juries praise the former American embassy’s inspiring transformation approach and how it ‘has turned more accessible than ever.’ The once-fortified place is now fully reintegrated into Oslo’s urban fabric, with a 12-meter wide ‘belt’ of lush urban spaces with new trees, informal meeting places, and outdoor serving areas.
“Ambassaden restores the building’s original dignity while also offering something new to the city, taking into account and consciously relating to its surroundings. The landscape is beautifully executed, with a fine 'seam' between the building and the city that elegantly connects the embassy to the surrounding streets. This includes the paving, the large, elongated benches on the sidewalk, new stairs, ramps, and levels that provide smooth transitions – conveying both new and old in a simple and elegant manner.”
— The Jury of Oslo bys arkitekturpris 2024
Congratulations to our amazing client Fredensborg and our collaborators Lundhagem, AtelierOslo, LCLA office, and Paulsen & Nilsen AS.
Grønningen-Bispeparken wins Årets Arne 2025
We are incredibly proud and delighted to share that our Grønningen-Bispeparken has won Årets Arne 2025 – the most prestigious architecture award given by the Danish Architecture Association (Arkitektforeningen) in Copenhagen.
Pickering to be transferred into Rouge National Urban Park
We are beyond thrilled to share that the Government of Canada today announced the transfer of the Pickering Lands into an Expanded Rouge National Urban Park.