
1 Undershaft planning consent granted

We are delighted to share that the City of London Corporation’s Planning Applications Sub-Committee has resolved to grant consent for 1 Undershaft – the new landmark offering exceptional rooftop terraces and a social and cultural public realm for the City of London.

The project will offer 154,156m2 of much-needed Grade A office space, new cultural and public amenities for children and adults, and more than 11,500m2 of internal and external public spaces right in the heart of London.

One of 1 Undershaft’s most striking features will be its lush 2,500m2 free-to-access Elevated Public Garden at level 11 with 51 trees, a biodiverse planting palette, and a vibrant ecosystem of public amenities.

1 Undershaft will offer a free-to-access elevated public garden on the 11th floor, providing unique views of the London skyline.

“With the new public space design for 1 Undershaft, we unite the surrounding urban spaces in a unified public realm. Using the archetypical London York Stone, we create a coherent identity for a fragmented area.”

— Rasmus Astrup, Design Principal & Partner, SLA
The design includes a series of enhanced public realms at the base of the building that accommodate flexible uses, cultural events, and social gatherings for a wide range of users and uses.

1 Undershaft will offer an enhanced public realm at the base of the building with increased seating set within a grove of trees and planting beds that accommodate flexible uses, cultural events, and social gatherings.

The adjacent St Helen’s Square is being transformed into a fully accessible, step-free civic square with improved seating, optimized microclimate, and more opportunities for social activities and temporary events.

The project will also create a new and uninterrupted public square for the City of London named Undershaft Square with a specially designed ‘urban forest floor’ that will become a unique place for quietness, conversations, and reflection – a place that neatly contrasts with the hustle and bustle of the surrounding streets.

The project will provide a nearly five-fold increase in urban greening compared to the existing building and plaza and a 527 percent rise in Biodiversity Net Gain – thus supporting London’s ambitious biodiversity strategies.

Read more about 1 Undershaft here.

“As an international designer from Copenhagen, it is amazing to contribute to London’s world-leading ambitions and create a place for the benefit of all inhabitants of the City of London – whether humans, birds, or bees”

— Rasmus Astrup, Design Principal & Partner, SLA
1 Undershaft will be the co-tallest building in the UK and Western Europe, adding a host of urban amenities to Central London.

Contact us to know more

Francisca Álvarez

Project Manager, Associate Partner, Urban Planner


SLA shortlisted to reimagine the Runway at YZD

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