The Forest Bath
During Aarhus Festival 2018, we moved 600 trees to Aarhus Ø to create a green, temporary urban space.

Curious for more?
Karsten Thorlund
Head of SLA Aarhus, Partner, Architect MAA
Aarhus, Denmark
6,000 m2
2018 — 2018
Aarhus Festival
Temporary landscape design
Partners & Collaborators
Aarhus Festival
‘The Forest Bath’ is the second project in a three-year collaboration between Aarhus Festival and SLA, which has been named City Nature 1:1. The objective of the collaboration is, that Aarhus Festival through three years (from 2017-2019) explores the potential for a green, nature-based urban development of Aarhus which can balance the construction boom of the city.

During the Aarhus Festival 2018, 600 trees created a green, fragrant and lush temporary urban space in the middle of the 600-meter-long Bernhard Jensens Boulevard in the new neighborhood, Aarhus Ø. The result was a sensational and inviting “forest bath” that naturally cleans car exhaust fumes from the air, increases health and quality of life for the citizens of Aarhus and creating a whole new experience of nature on Aarhus Ø.
After the Festival, the 600 trees were permanently moved to SLA’s project Gellerup Urban Park.

Design director and founder of SLA, Stig L. Andersson, about the project:
“The project is based on the Japanese concept Shinrin Yoku that literally means “forest bathing” and which is based on thousand years of Japanese learning. With The Forest Bath, we demonstrate how an equilibrium between the built and the grown environment creates a whole city – a city of meaning, quality of life, health and welfare for all.”

We design places for life. All life.

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