An Arena for the Forces of Nature

Curious for more?
Alexandra Vindfeld Hansen
R&D Director, Partner, Landscape Architect MDL
Ringkøbing, Denmark
5 ha
2017 — 2020
Fonden Naturkraft
Lead landscape architect
Partners & Collaborators
Thøgersen & Stouby, NIRAS, Hune & Elkjær, Fuldendt, Hansen & Larsen
Denmark’s new Nature Arena and Exploratorium, Naturkraft, is a new landmark on the Danish west coast.
Naturkraft means ‘The Force of Nature’ which is exactly what you can experience here.

The nature arena Naturkraft encourages and challenges visitors to 1:1 experiences on the powers of nature through physical play, enlightening learning activities and intuitive understanding of the interaction between humans and nature.
Here, visitors can get fascinated by, experience, sense and feel the physical and aesthetic forces of nature on their own bodies. Thus, Naturkraft offers kids and adults alike a chance to discover how nature consists of a number of correlations that you don’t necessarily think about on a daily basis.
In a bigger perspective, Naturkraft offers insights about how a deep understanding of nature and its processes will be necessary when we shape the sustainable communities and cities of the future.

Based on comprehensive research on the local area’s unique geodiversity, nature and cultural history, the foundation of the new nature is a 17 kilometer long ‘cross-section’ of the existing nature from west to east through western Jutland of Denmark. Based on the cross-section, eight specially designed nature typologies such as the Sand Dune, the Heathland, the Marsh and the Carbon Forest have been combined into a new form of human-made ecosystem in Naturkraft. An ecosystem based equally on scientific insight into local geology, biodiversity and cultural history as well as on the desire to create the strongest possible nature experience in Naturkraft.

“In Naturkraft, we create a multiverse of new nature based on a comprehensive knowledge on the processes of nature, the cultural history and the unique geodiversity of the local area, growth conditions and biological diversity. Based on this knowledge, we have created a condensed and hypersensuous juxtaposition of local nature typologies, all of which show nature as the foundation of our lives and societies.”
— Stig L. Andersson, Design Director and Founding Partner