Euston Public Realm Masterplan
Designing the landscape and public realm for Euston – the 60 acres, £10 billion masterplan dubbed as one of London's most important urban development projects.

London, United Kingdom
60 acres
2020 — 2032
Landscape & Public Realm Masterplanner
Partners & Collaborators
Prior & Partners, ACME, Arup, DP9, Soundings
We are the landscape and public realm masterplanners for Euston – the 60 acres, £10 billion development project dubbed as one of London’s most important urban development projects for the next 30 years.
The Euston Masterplan, covering a 60-acre site in central London (between Regents Park, Camden Town, and British Museum), involves the development and design of one of the world’s busiest high-speed train stations and the transformation of the wider Euston area into a buzzing and thriving neighborhood.
The development is estimated to provide 3,000 new homes, 35,000 new jobs, up to 1 million m2 of developable area, 75 million annual visitors, and 21 acres of new green and public space for communities, residents, workers, and visitors. All in a net-zero-carbon built environment.
SLA was appointed Public Realm and Landscape Masterplanner by international developer Lendlease through an invited tender process involving six top international and UK landscape architectural studios.

“For us, Euston represents a unique opportunity to transform a currently under-connected part of London into a vibrant, nature-rich, sustainable, and truly complete neighborhood.”
— Rasmus Astrup, Design Principal and Partner in SLA
A central aim of the project is to put people and public space first. The ambition is to make Euston inclusive and welcoming for everyone, with an abundance of green spaces with plenty of opportunities for people to stroll, sit, and socialize.
The ambition is to create a place that improves the residents’ daily lives, economic opportunities, and physical and mental health – while using nature-based design solutions that improve air quality, enhance biodiversity, and reduce the risks of urban heat islands and flooding.
The public realm & landscape design is massive both in scale, complexity, and ambition and involves thousands of square meters of green, public space on top of railway tracks, train station, and infrastructure in the middle of Central London.
As Public Realm and Landscape Masterplanner we are utilizing our full interdisciplinary design approach where our inhouse landscape designers, anthropologists, biologists, microclimate experts, and public life consultants will work closely together with Lendlease, the local City Council, and the wider Camden community to ensure that Euston will become a beacon for how to design sustainable, biodiverse, and socially conscious places for all.
SLA will design the first part of the Euston Masterplan (the Outline Planning Application) in July 2023. The train station and the first phase of the masterplan is estimated to be realized in 2032.